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Cell to Singularity Wiki
Cell to Singularity Wiki
1024px-Cancer IAU

One of the zodiac constellations, Cancer (♋︎).

The constellation Cancer is one of the twelve zodiacs in the night sky. It consists of six main stars and a total of 35 Bayer designated stars. The stars that form the, as in-game shown, crab are α Cancri (Acubens), β Cancri (Tarf), γ Cancri (Asellus Borealis), δ Cancri (Asellus Australis), ι Cancri and 27 Cancri.

When Cancer is fully unlocked the Stardust production speed is increased by x2 for Terrestrial Planets.

In-Game Description[]

Constellation Cancer

In-game icon

"Cancer, the crab, is the dimmest constellation in the zodiac. The Tropic of Cancer, the northernmost circle of latitude on Earth where the Sun passes directly overhead, is named after it."

Main Components[]

Star Star System Type Distance from Sun
Alpha Cancri (Acubens) Binary/Triple Star System 178 ± 3 ly
Beta Cancri (Tarf) Binary Star System 290 ± 30 ly
Gamma Cancri (Asellus Borealis) Single Star System 181 ± 2 ly
Delta Cancri (Asellus Australis) Triple Star System 131 ± 1 ly
Iota Cancri Binary Star System 330 ± 20 ly (A-Component)
approx. 280 ly (B-Component)
27 Cancri Single Star System 990 ± 90 ly


Achievement Cancer
  • Hail Hydra (Finished Cancer):

"The largest constellation, Hydra, takes up 3.16 percent of the night sky! It gets its name from an ancient Greek serpent monster that had many heads."


  • This is the worst constellation to unlock.


Cancer - image above taken and edited

Constellation fragment Constellations
Northern Ursa MajorUrsa MinorLyraPerseusCygnusAurigaSerpensHerculesOphiuchusAndromedaPegasus
Zodiac AriesTaurusGeminiCancerLeoVirgoLibraScorpioSagittariusCapricornAquariusPisces
Southern EridanusOrionCanis MajorHydraAraCarinaVelaPuppis