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Carina Nebula is the 21st Interstellar Object, the 5th Nebula and the 1st Diffuse obtained in the Beyond (Rank 23), which can generate Stardust StardustStardust.

In-Game Description[]

"Carina Nebula isn’t a supernova remnant. It’s a supernova factory, aglow and abuzz with young, massively energetic stars and towering pillars of ionized gas and dust. This complex cloud is bigger than most and 15 times brighter than the famous Orion Nebula."


The rare traits matching this generators type are: Cosmic Dust . Carina Nebula is also affected by the epic traits: Cosmology , Dark Matter , Dark Energy . It is also affected by the constellations: Eridanus,Perseus,Serpens, as well as by the generator rank

Icon Name Description Requires
Carina Nebula Eta Carinae Eta Carinae Reigning over Carina is an unstable blue hypergiant of 100 solar masses. Eta Carinae will go hypernova—bigger than a supernova!—and then what? If three or more solar masses remain, the matter will crunch past the neutron star threshold and collapse into a black hole. Generator Unlocked
Carina Nebula Wolf-Rayet Stars Wolf-Rayet Stars Carina boasts three rare Wolf-Rayets (WR), the hottest stars in the universe. Like Eta Carinae, WR 25 is millions of times brighter than the Sun and is part of the Trumpler 16 cluster of mammoth stars. They illuminate and ionize a dark nebula called a Bok globule. Eta Carinae

Astronomy Mission[]

Homunculus Nebula

Carina Nebula's Astronomy Mission is the Homunculus Nebula.

"From 1838 to 1845, Eta Carinae suddenly brightened. Then, after a century of dimness, a fresh glow revealed the Homunculus. This double-lobed outburst was not a supernova—there was no explosion. It was the belch of a massive star. The gassy cloud is still expanding."

Homunculus Nebula[]

Reduce Carina Nebula cost by up to x10 at Rank 9.

Name Duration(hh: mm: ss) Reward
Homunculus Nebula I 00:05:00 Carina Nebula discount x2
Homunculus Nebula II 00:15:00 Carina Nebula discount x3
Homunculus Nebula III 00:50:00 Carina Nebula discount x4
Homunculus Nebula IV 02:10:00 Carina Nebula discount x5
Homunculus Nebula V 04:40:00 Carina Nebula discount x6
Homunculus Nebula VI 08:50:00 Carina Nebula discount x7
Homunculus Nebula VII 15:20:00 Carina Nebula discount x8
Homunculus Nebula VIII 24:10:00 Carina Nebula discount x9
Homunculus Nebula IX 36:30:00 Carina Nebula discount x10


Icon Name Description Requires
Achievement Mass Cap Mass Cap How massive can a star get? One barrier is the accretion limit, a threshold during star birth where bipolar jets blow more mass away than the protostar’s gravity attracts. Models suggest that the cap is about 150 solar masses. Eta Carinae may be close to that. Carina Nebula Rank 3
Achievement Starburst Starburst The dense starburst heart of the Tarantula Nebula is just 2 million years old—far too young for late-stage stars, let alone supernovae. A knot of eight stars called R136a includes three Wolf-Rayets and five baby blue giants. It’s like looking at Carina’s infancy. Carina Nebula Rank 6


Carina Nebula, or Eta Carinae Nebula (catalogued as NGC 3372; also known as the Great Carina Nebula), is a large, complex area of bright and dark nebulosity in the constellation Carina, located in the Carina–Sagittarius Arm of the Milky Way galaxy.


Type Interstellar Object Interstellar Objects
Type Main Sequence Main Sequence Barnard's StarTau CetiSirius
Type Late Stage Late Stage PolarisRigelArcturusVan Maanen's Star
Type Exoplanet Exoplanet Fomalhaut's RingWASP-12bAwohaliKepler-70bJanssenEnaiposhaKepler-186fTRAPPIST-1 System
Type Giant Giant (WASP-12b) • (Awohali)
Type Earth Like Earth Like (Kepler-70b) • (Janssen) • (Enaiposha) • (Kepler-186f)
Type Nebula Nebula Helix NebulaCat's Eye NebulaHourglass NebulaCrab NebulaCarina NebulaEagle NebulaPillars of CreationOrion NebulaHorsehead Nebula
Type Planetary Planetary (Helix Nebula) • (Cat's Eye Nebula) • (Hourglass Nebula)
Type Supernova Supernova (Crab Nebula) • Crab Pulsar
Type Diffuse Diffuse (Carina Nebula) • (Eagle Nebula) • (Pillars of Creation) • (Orion Nebula) • (Horsehead Nebula)
Type Black Hole Black Hole Cygnus X-1 • (Sagittarius A*)
Type Milky Way Galaxy Milky Way Galaxy Orion SpurPerseus ArmOmega CentauriGalactic BulgeGalactic NucleusSagittarius A*
Type Cluster Cluster (Omega Centauri)
Type Galaxy Galaxy Milky Way GalaxySagittarius Dwarf GalaxyLarge Magellanic CloudTriangulum GalaxyAndromeda Galaxy
Type Spiral Spiral (Milky Way Galaxy) • (Triangulum Galaxy) • (Andromeda Galaxy)
Type Satellite Satellite (Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy) • (Large Magellanic Cloud)