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Cell to Singularity Wiki

Cat's Eye Nebula is the 17th Interstellar Object, the 2nd Nebula and the 2nd Planetary obtained in the Beyond (Unlocked at Rank 22), which can generate Stardust StardustStardust.

In-Game Description[]

"Beautiful and complex, all the gas in the Cat’s Eye Nebula amounts to only 1% of the Sun’s mass. It includes rare ionized nitrogen and double-ionized oxygen (atoms stripped of two electrons). One mystery is why this young planetary nebula is swirling so swiftly."

Traits and Constellations[]

Cat's Eye Nebula is affected by the rare traits Cosmic Dust, and the epic traits Cosmology, Dark Matter, and Dark Energy. It is also affected by the constellations Eridanus, Perseus, and Ara.

Type Name Description Requires
Speed Onion Rings Eleven concentric rings of gas suggest solar outbursts every 1,500 years. Why? Perhaps a binary star in orbit? Stellar winds acting like ocean waves? Pulses as the dead star contracts and expands? Magnetic field anomalies (sunspots)? It’s another Cat’s Eye mystery.
Payout Gas Jets At both corners of the Cat’s Eye, jets of gas pierce through all 11 onion rings and beyond. They shoot out from each pole of the star in opposite directions, a pattern called bipolar outflow. Like water from a wobbly garden hose, the jets swirl above and below the star. Onion Rings


Achievement Cat's Eye Nebula
Name Description Requires
X-ray Vision Viewing nebulae across the electromagnetic spectrum unveils new details. An X-ray of Cat’s Eye clearly shows intricate bubbles of gas swirling all around the dead star. These blue clouds indicate very high energy. Low-energy emissions are usually colored red. Cat's Eye Nebula Rank 3
Blue-Green Smudge In 1786, astronomer William Herschel was the first to lay human eyes on the Cat’s Eye. The blue-green smudge looked like his new discovery, Uranus, so he called it a planetary nebula. In 1864, a spectroscopic image revealed the cloud’s true nature as ionized gas. Cat's Eye Nebula Rank 6


Cat's Eye Nebula (also known as NGC 6543 and Caldwell 6) is a planetary nebula in the northern constellation of Draco.



Type Interstellar Object Interstellar Objects
Type Main Sequence Main Sequence Barnard's StarTau CetiSirius
Type Late Stage Late Stage PolarisRigelArcturusVan Maanen's Star
Type Exoplanet Exoplanet Fomalhaut's RingWASP-12bAwohaliKepler-70bJanssenEnaiposhaKepler-186fTRAPPIST-1 System
Type Giant Giant (WASP-12b) • (Awohali)
Type Earth Like Earth Like (Kepler-70b) • (Janssen) • (Enaiposha) • (Kepler-186f)
Type Nebula Nebula Helix NebulaCat's Eye NebulaHourglass NebulaCrab NebulaCarina NebulaEagle NebulaPillars of CreationOrion NebulaHorsehead Nebula
Type Planetary Planetary (Helix Nebula) • (Cat's Eye Nebula) • (Hourglass Nebula)
Type Supernova Supernova (Crab Nebula) • Crab Pulsar
Type Diffuse Diffuse (Carina Nebula) • (Eagle Nebula) • (Pillars of Creation) • (Orion Nebula) • (Horsehead Nebula)
Type Black Hole Black Hole Cygnus X-1 • (Sagittarius A*)
Type Milky Way Galaxy Milky Way Galaxy Orion SpurPerseus ArmOmega CentauriGalactic BulgeGalactic NucleusSagittarius A*
Type Cluster Cluster (Omega Centauri)
Type Galaxy Galaxy Milky Way GalaxySagittarius Dwarf GalaxyLarge Magellanic CloudTriangulum GalaxyAndromeda Galaxy
Type Spiral Spiral (Milky Way Galaxy) • (Triangulum Galaxy) • (Andromeda Galaxy)
Type Satellite Satellite (Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy) • (Large Magellanic Cloud)