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Cell to Singularity Wiki

Ceres is the 8th Celestial Body and the 2nd Asteroid obtained in The Beyond Bubble Universe, which can generate Stardust. (Unlocked at Rank 3, branching off of Asteroid Belt)

In-Game Description[]

"Discovered in 1801, Ceres was the first asteroid to be identified by humans. Today, it is the smallest recognized dwarf planet and the largest object in the Asteroid Belt."



  • Spheroid (Speed):

"Ceres is the only object in the asteroid belt rounded by its own gravity, while other asteroids are lumpy. This explains why it was initially thought to be a planet. It was reclassified as an asteroid and later as a dwarf planet because it doesn't dominate its orbit."

  • Cryovolcanoes (Payout):

"Icy cryovolcanoes spout water, ammonia, and methane instead of magma and molten rock. They form on cold moons and on large asteroids. One of these is Ahuna Mons, the largest mountain on Ceres."


  • Asteroids (Payout):

"Asteroids are rocky bodies that orbit the Sun, most frequently created from the impact between celestial bodies. They form the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter and the Kuiper Belt beyond Neptune."


  • Speed of Light (Speed):

"The speed of light is the rate at which light and all massless particles travel through a vacuum. While it can seem instantaneous from up close, over long distances this speed limit becomes very noticeable. The theory of relativity relates to the speed of light."

  • Cosmic Gravity (Payout):

"Gravity is one of the fundamental forces and key to understanding how the universe works. Using Newton’s principles, astronomers can explain how stars and planets form, predict their mass and motion, and infer the existence of dark matter."

  • Goldilocks Zone (Discount):

"The Goldilocks Zone, also called the Habitable Zone, is the region around a star with conditions necessary for a planet that can sustain life. Planets like Earth, with surface water and breathable atmospheres, might be found in these zones in other systems."


  • Scorpio (1.5x Speed):

"One of the brightest constellations in the sky, Scorpio represents a scorpion. It includes the red star Antares, sometimes called the “heart of the scorpion” because of its placement and color."

  • Capricorn (2x Speed):

"Capricorn represents a half-goat, half-fish creature. It is the smallest constellation in the Western Zodiac. In ancient times, it marked the location of the Sun at the winter solstice. It is one of the fainter constellations."


Achievement Ceres
  • Moonstruck (Rank 5):

"Ceres is the only dwarf planet with no moons. Pluto, Eris, Haumea, and Makemake all have at least one moon. This may be due to the gravitational pull of Jupiter and Mars, which prevents the asteroids from accumulating into larger bodies."

The statement "Ceres is the only dwarf planet with no moons." is technically not true, since Sedna is another dwarf planet that doesn't have any moons (at least no confirmed ones).

  • New Dawn (Rank 10):

"While Ceres is moonless, it does have one satellite—the human probe Dawn. Sent to study Ceres and Vesta, Dawn sent information back to scientists at NASA until it depleted its fuel in 2018. Its mission concluded, it now orbits the dwarf planet."

Real Image and Symbol[]


  • Ceres - Real image and symbol above taken
Type Celestial Body Celestial Bodies
Type Star Star SunHeliosphereAlpha Centauri
Type Terrestrial Planet Terrestrial Planet MercuryVenusEarthMars
Type Moon Moon MoonIoEuropaGanymedeCallistoTitanEnceladusTriton
Type Asteroid Asteroid Asteroid BeltCeresVestaKuiper Belt
Type Gaseous Planet Gaseous Planet JupiterSaturn
Type Ice Planet Ice Planet UranusNeptune
Type Dwarf Planet Dwarf Planet PlutoHaumeaMakemakeEris
Type Comet Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9Halley's CometHale-Bopp
Type Oort Cloud Object Oort Cloud Object SednaPlanet XHills CloudOort Cloud