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Cell to Singularity Wiki


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The constellation Lyra, observable in the northern night sky, consists of 5 main stars and a total of 25 Bayer designated stars.

When Lyra is fully unlocked the Stardust production speed is increased by x1.5 for Earth Like (Exoplanets).

In-Game Description[]

Constellation Lyra

In-game icon

"Lyra depicts the stringed instrument of Orpheus, a mythical Greek poet said to charm rocks and streams with his songs. Vega, a dazzling white dwarf, is the baseline for comparing color and brightness in other stars. Its apparent magnitude is 0.0."

Main Components[]



Achievement Lyra
  • Kepler's Planet Patch (Finished Lyra):

"Thousands of confirmed exoplanets appear in one patch of sky in Lyra, Cygnus, and Draco. That was the field of view of the Kepler space telescope (2009–18). In 2023, Kepler's successor, TESS, completed its initial two-year mission to scout the entire sky for exoplanets."


  • TBA
Constellation fragment Constellations
Northern Ursa MajorUrsa MinorLyraPerseusCygnusAurigaSerpensHerculesOphiuchusAndromedaPegasus
Zodiac AriesTaurusGeminiCancerLeoVirgoLibraScorpioSagittariusCapricornAquariusPisces
Southern EridanusOrionCanis MajorHydraAraCarinaVelaPuppis