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Cell to Singularity Wiki

Marsupials are the third generator in the mammal tech tree.


The marsupial in the tech tree resembles a koala.


"Marsupials are mammals that give birth to live young at an early stage of development. The young stay for a time in a pouch on the mother's abdomen, where they remain until they have grown enough to become independent. Kangaroos are marsupials."


Marsupials has 5 upgrades, increasing the generator efficiency with a total x11,414 multiplier.

Icon Name Description Cost Efficiency Requires
Marsupials Abdominal Pouch Abdominal Pouch Baby marsupials are born very early in their gestation and are vulnerable and fragile. Female marsupials have a pouch on their abdomen where their young can grow safely until they are old enough to become independent. EntropyEntropy 3.46e17 345% Marsupials
Marsupials Diprotodonts Diprotodonts Marsupials have 40—50 teeth, many more than placental mammals, including up to 10 incisors and four molars. They also do not replace their teeth as often as placental mammals, which usually have two full sets in their lifetime. EntropyEntropy 5e18 456% Abdominal Pouch
Marsupials Koala Koala Despite their colloquial name, koalas are actually not bears, but are tree-dwelling marsupials found in the eucalyptus forests of Australia. They spend most of their days eating and sleeping. They have few natural predators but their habitat is threatened by deforestation and bush fires. EntropyEntropy 6.26e20 567% Kangaroo
Marsupials Kangaroo Kangaroo Known for their large, powerful hind legs, kangaroos are the national symbol of Australia and are native only to that continent and New Guinea. They are herbivorous and can hop at up to 40 kilometers per hour. EntropyEntropy 8.82e21 678% Diprotodonts
Marsupials North American Opossum North American Opossum The only marsupials North of the equator, opossums are furry, cat-sized omnivores. They are semi-arboreal, prey on pest insects like ticks, and are naturally immune to rabies. EntropyEntropy 4.84e22 789% Abdominal Pouch


Icon Name Description Requires
Achievement Monarchs and Marsupials Monarchs and Marsupials Marsupials are native to Australia and the Americas. Europeans did not encounter marsupials until Christopher Columbus' voyages to Central America in the 1400s, when a common opossum was brought back to Spain and presented to the baffled king and queen. 25 Marsupials
Achievement Pouch Potato Pouch Potato Marsupial pregnancies are very short, lasting between 12 days and five weeks. Marsupial infants, known as joeys, are born in a nearly fetal state and are blind, hairless, and around the size of a jelly bean at birth. 50 Marsupials
Achievement Hopping Mad Hopping Mad The Red Kangaroo is the largest species of marsupial. They can weigh as much as 200 lbs. They have powerful tendons in their hind legs that allow them to hop as fast as 40 mph and as high as 10 feet in the air, and deliver powerful kicks in a fight. 100 Marsupials
Achievement Im-possum-ble! Im-possum-ble! The Virginia Opossum is the most common marsupial in North America. These tough creatures are highly resistant to snake venom, immune to rabies, and are common in urban environments (where they often scavenge through trash and pet food). 150 Marsupials
Achievement Tas-Maniacs Tas-Maniacs The Tasmanian Devil, a species of carnivorous marsupial, is known for its distinctive bloodcurdling screams. These defensive cries terrified early European settlers of Australia, who thought that there were devils roaming in the night. 250 Marsupials

Life Life
Primordial Soup Amino AcidDNAProkaryotic CellEukaryotic Cell
Ocean SpongeJellyfishFlatwormFish (Sharks)
Land FungiTetrapodMammal
Reptiles TurtleCrocodiliaLizardSnake
Birds GalliformesAnseriformesPalaeognathaeNeoaves
Mammals GliresUngulatesMarsupialsCaniformCetaceansMonotremesFeliform
Human & Beyond ApeHumanCyborgSuperhumanHumanoid ColonistAndroidSentient Android