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Cell to Singularity Wiki

"The neoaves are one of the most diverse clades of birds, including many species that vary wildly in appearance. Most of these variations first developed rapidly after that Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event." Rapid Diversification upgrade

Neoaves is the 4th bird generator, and 8th Rise of Reptiles generator, unlocked in the game. It requires Mesozoic Valley Rank 38.


Neoaves Civ View

The Neoaves flying in the Civilization garden.

In-game, Neoaves takes the appearance of a blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata). A party of six blue jays fly through the temperate forest and plains region of the Land garden. A party of six more fly in the Stone Age peninsula of the Civilization garden. The Neoaves have a flapping animation.

The Neoaves screech when clicked on.

The Neoaves have three Trophy Upgrades, the most out of any Rise of Reptiles Generators.


Penguin view

A colony of penguins in the Arctic section of the Land garden.

Penguins take the appearance of emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri). A colony of eleven penguins (including two chicks) are located in the Arctic section of the Land garden, settling on an island offshore from the mainland section. A whale (Cetaceans) occasionally passes the strait between the penguin island and the mainland. The penguins have a waddling animation.

The penguin squawks when clicked on.


Parrot view

The parrot spreads its wings.

Parrots take the appearance of a scarlet macaw (Ara macao). A lone parrot stands upon a branch in the jungle section of the Land garden, close to the panda (Caniform) and the kiwis (Palaeognathae). The parrot has an idle animation.

The parrot squeals when clicked on.


Eagles view

The eagle flying through the Arctic region of the Land garden.

Eagles take the appearance of a unknown species of eagle (Accipitridae sp.). A single eagle flies the highest out of any other animal in the Land garden, circling around the map just slightly below the level of the tallest peak. Another eagle appears in the Civilization garden, flying just below the top level of the Age of Exploration tower. The eagle has a flying animation.

The eagle squeals when clicked on.


"Almost 95% of all known species of birds belong to the Neoave clade. They are extremely diverse, and appeared shortly after the extinction of the dinosaurs."


Neoaves has 20 upgrades, increasing the generator efficiency with a total x2.80806e7 multiplier.

Icon Name Description Cost Efficiency Requires
Neoaves Aggression Aggression Blue Jays are known for being territorial. This makes them good protectors, as they will try to scare off predatory birds, but also makes them dangerous to anyone they see as competition for resources. EntropyEntropy 1.42e31 90% Neoaves
Neoaves Blue Jay Blue Jay The blue jay is known for its striking coloring and crested head. Native to North America, they have been known to display aggressive and territorial behavior towards other birds. EntropyEntropy 2.49e31 95% Aggression
Neoaves Flippers Flippers Over time, penguin's wings have evolved into flippers. While useless for flight, they are excellently adapted for swimming, helping to push the sleek birds through the water at quick speeds. EntropyEntropy 3.62e31 100% Neoaves
Blue Jay
Neoaves Intelligence Intelligence Many birds are quite smart—they are able to solve puzzles, and have an uncanny memory for human faces. They will remember people they have come across and adjust their behavior accordingly. EntropyEntropy 4.48e31 110% Neoaves
Neoaves Penguin Penguin Penguins are aquatic birds found mostly in the Southern Hemisphere. They are flightless and known for their distinctive black and white coloration. EntropyEntropy 5.73e31 105% Flippers
Neoaves Speech Speech Despite lacking lips and a larynx, parrots are able to imitate human speech using their thick tongues. Parakeets can learn up to 2,000 words! EntropyEntropy 8.29e31 115% Intelligence
Neoaves Parrots Parrots Parrots are brightly colored and often kept as pets by humans. They are one of the smartest species of birds, and are known for their ability to mimic human speech. EntropyEntropy 1.58e32 120% Speech
Neoaves Carrion Carrion Carrion birds eat the corpses of other animals. In doing so they help to aid in the natural cycle of decomposition, removing waste from the environment. EntropyEntropy 3.09e32 125% Intelligence
Neoaves Crows Crows Crows are glossy black-feathered birds. They are very intelligent—they can recognize and differentiate between human faces, count to 30, and exhibit problem-solving abilities. EntropyEntropy 6.34e32 130% Carrion
Neoaves Hovering Hovering By rapidly beating their wings, hummingbirds are able to hover in the air, levitating at a consistent height. This allows them to obtain nectar from flowering trees. EntropyEntropy 1.33e33 135% Neoaves
Neoaves Hummingbirds Hummingbirds The smallest species of birds, hummingbirds get their name from the sound produced by the rapid beating of their wings, which allows them to hover as they fly. They feed off the nectar of flowers and fruits, and have the highest metabolisms of any warm-blooded animal. EntropyEntropy 2.93e33 140% Hovering
Neoaves Vulture Vulture A bird of prey and famous scavenger, vultures are large, imposing birds known for their dark wings and featherless heads. EntropyEntropy 6.74e33 145% Carrion
Neoaves Head Rotation Head Rotation Owls can turn their heads nearly 270 degrees due to extra neck vertebrae and a special circulatory system that prevents movement cutting off blood to the brain. They are able to see all around them while keeping virtually still. EntropyEntropy 2.1e34 150% Intelligence
Neoaves Owls Owls Solitary, nocturnal birds, owls are known for their distinctive hooting cry. They can turn their heads nearly 360 degrees, have impeccable night vision, and hunt for their prey under the cover of darkness. EntropyEntropy 7.99e34 155% Head Rotation
Neoaves Flocking Flocking During breeding season, cranes gather in huge flocks. They use this time to mate, migrate, and protect each other from predators. EntropyEntropy 5.77e35 160% Neoaves
Neoaves Cranes Cranes Large birds with long skinny necks and legs, cranes live in close proximity to bodies of water. They live on all continents except Antarctica and South America. EntropyEntropy 1.73e36 165% Flocking
Neoaves Homing Homing Pigeons are known for their homing abilities—they are able to navigate their way back to their nests over extreme distances. They have been known to fly as far as 1,800 km. EntropyEntropy 5.36e36 170% Flocking
Neoaves Pigeons Pigeons Stout birds with small beaks, pigeons are known for their grey coloring and tendency to live in cities. They have traditionally been used by humans to transport messages, as they are very good at navigation. EntropyEntropy 1.72e37 175% Homing
Neoaves Eagle Eyes Eagle Eyes Eagles' eyes have a larger density of cones than the eyes of a human, giving them the ability to see more detail in their environment and hunt tiny prey like rabbits from hundreds of feet in the air. EntropyEntropy 5.67e37 180% Intelligence
Neoaves Eagles Eagles Eagles are large birds of prey with strong curved beaks. They have muscular legs and sharp, gripping talons. Regal and strong, many cultures see them as symbolic of power. EntropyEntropy 1.93e38 185% Eagle Eyes


Icon Name Description Requires
Achievement Blue Bruisers Blue Bruisers Blue Jays are known for being noisy and aggressive, and will scare away predatory birds such as hawks. However, they are quite territorial and sometimes attack smaller birds that they see as competition, and have even been known to decapitate them. 25 Neoaves
Achievement Turning Heads Turning Heads Owls have twice the number of vertebrae as humans, which allows them to turn their heads nearly 270 degrees. This range of motion, combined with their advanced stereoscopic night vision, allows them to track prey from a great distance. 50 Neoaves
Achievement Mimicry Mayhem Mimicry Mayhem Many birds are excellent mimics, most notably parrots. Ravens share this talent, in addition to being able to imitate the calls of predatory animals such as wolves and foxes and even sounds like car engines or toilets flushing. 100 Neoaves
Achievement Little Bird, Big Appetite Little Bird, Big Appetite Hummingbirds are incredibly lightweight, and are known for their ability to hover due to their incredibly fast wingbeats. To power this, they have one of the fastest metabolisms of any animal, and must eat up to three times their weight in nectar in order to maintain their energy. 150 Neoaves
Achievement Coalmine Casualties Coalmine Casualties Miners used to use birds to detect the presence of hazardous gases—when a small bird was brought underground, if it fainted or died, they would know that carbon monoxide was present. This is where the term "canary in a coal mine" comes from. 250 Neoaves


  • "Neoaves" translates to "new birds".
  • The Neoaves birds missing from the garden include:
    • Crows
    • Hummingbirds
    • Vultures
    • Owls
    • Cranes
    • Pigeons
Life Life
Primordial Soup Amino AcidDNAProkaryotic CellEukaryotic Cell
Ocean SpongeJellyfishFlatwormFish (Sharks)
Land FungiTetrapodMammal
Reptiles TurtleCrocodiliaLizardSnake
Birds GalliformesAnseriformesPalaeognathaeNeoaves
Mammals GliresUngulatesMarsupialsCaniformCetaceansMonotremesFeliform
Human & Beyond ApeHumanCyborgSuperhumanHumanoid ColonistAndroidSentient Android