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The constellation Perseus, observable in the northern night sky, consists of 19 main stars and a total of 65 Bayer designated stars.

When Perseus is fully unlocked the Stardust production speed is increased by x2 for Nebula.

In-Game Description[]

Constellation Perseus

In-game icon

"With his pointy head and boxy chest, Greek hero Perseus stands by Andromeda, his wife. In mid-August, during Earth’s annual whoosh through the dust of comet Swift-Tuttle, gaze their way at the Perseid meteor shower. It’s visible worldwide but flashiest in the north."

Main Components[]



Achievement Perseus
  • Algol Paradox (Finished Perseus):

"Algol A and B, binary stars in Perseus, defy stellar evolution. Opposite to the norm, the lower-mass star evolved into a subgiant, while the massive one is still in the main sequence. This seeming paradox results from mass transfer—one star gaining mass from the other."


  • TBA
Constellation fragment Constellations
Northern Ursa MajorUrsa MinorLyraPerseusCygnusAurigaSerpensHerculesOphiuchusAndromedaPegasus
Zodiac AriesTaurusGeminiCancerLeoVirgoLibraScorpioSagittariusCapricornAquariusPisces
Southern EridanusOrionCanis MajorHydraAraCarinaVelaPuppis