"This elliptical galaxy is so close to the Milky Way that some of its one billion stars overlap with ours. Elliptical galaxies vary dramatically in size, have a uniform oval shape with no clear features, and are past their star-making prime."
Big galaxies can pull many little ones into orbit. Sagittarius is the Milky Way’s largest satellite galaxy. Over 10 orbits, it has infiltrated our galaxy three times, triggering star births. The Sun itself may have been born in the first trespass, 5 billion years ago.
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Virgo Stellar Stream
Sagittarius orbits Milky Way's poles, almost at a right angle to the disk. Every few hundred million years, it brushes the outer edge, pulling off a trail of stars. After 5 billion years of scuffing, the Virgo Stellar Stream of stars now wraps around the halo twice.
Satellite Galaxy
Virgo Stellar Stream[]
You unlock this after getting 50 Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy
"Sagittarius orbits Milky Way's poles, almost at a right angle to the disk. Every few hundred million years, it brushes the outer edge, pulling off a trail of stars. After 5 billion years of scuffing, the Virgo Stellar Stream of stars now wraps around the halo twice."
Hubble’s Tuning Fork
Hubble’s tuning fork is a guide to galaxy types. Spiral galaxies—barred or not barred—make up two-thirds of all galaxies. As they merge with other galaxies, they lose their arms and might become elliptical, lenticular (with a bulge but no arms), or irregular.
Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy Rank 3
Dark Matter Halo
We can’t see it, but halos are extended by dark matter, which makes the rim of a galaxy rotate faster. Rotational data revealed a dark matter halo around the Tucana II Dwarf Galaxy, which just ate a smaller galaxy and will be eaten in turn by the Milky Way.