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Cell to Singularity Wiki
1024px-Taurus IAU

One of the zodiac constellations, Taurus (♉︎).

The constellation Taurus is one of the twelve zodiacs in the night sky. It consists of twelve main stars and a total of 30 Bayer designated stars. The stars that form the, as in-game shown, bull are α Tauri (Aldebaran), β Tauri (Elnath), γ Tauri (Prima Hyadum), δ1 Tauri (Secunda Hyadum), ε Tauri (Ain), ζ Tauri (Tianguan), θ Tauri (Chamukuy), λ Tauri (Pectus Tauri), ν Tauri, ξ Tauri (Ushakaron), ο Tauri, and 10 Tauri.

When Taurus is fully unlocked the Stardust production speed is increased by x2 for Gaseous Planets.

In-Game Description[]

Constellation Taurus

In-game icon

"Taurus, the bull, marked the location of the Sun during the spring equinox in Bronze Age Europe. Taurus contains two important clusters of stars, the Pleiades and the Hyades."

Main Components[]

Star Star System Type Distance from Sun
Alpha Tauri (Aldebaran) Single Star System 65.3 ± 1.0 ly
Beta Tauri (Elnath) Single Star System 134 ± 2 ly
Gamma Tauri (Prima Hyadum) Single Star System 154 ± 9 ly
Delta1 Tauri (Secunda Hyadum) Binary Star System 156 ± 4 ly
Epsilon Tauri (Ain) Single Star System 147 ± 2 ly
Zeta Tauri (Tianguan) Binary Star System approx. 440 ly
Theta Tauri (Chamukuy) Quadruple Star System 152 ± 3 ly
Lambda Tauri (Pectus Tauri) Triple Star System 480 ± 10 ly
Nu Tauri Single Star System 116.9 ± 0.8 ly
Xi Tauri (Ushakaron) Quadruple Star System 210 ± 10 ly
Omicron Tauri Binary Star System 191 ± 4 ly
10 Tauri Single Star System 45.5 ± 0.3 ly


Achievement Taurus
  • A Load of Bull (Finished Taurus):

"The constellation Taurus has been interpreted as a bull by many different cultures, going all the way back to the Paleolithic Era. The importance of bulls in early agriculture led to the association between this star formation and the spring planting period."


Taurus - image above taken and edited

Constellation fragment Constellations
Northern Ursa MajorUrsa MinorLyraPerseusCygnusAurigaSerpensHerculesOphiuchusAndromedaPegasus
Zodiac AriesTaurusGeminiCancerLeoVirgoLibraScorpioSagittariusCapricornAquariusPisces
Southern EridanusOrionCanis MajorHydraAraCarinaVelaPuppis